Mnair PR Consultancy

Public Relations for Communities and Businesses

About Us
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The world before Coronavirus and after cannot be the same.

Goldin & Muggah (2020)



When an attempt to purchase an existing business fell through, we went on to incorporate MNAIR PR Consultancy, with the support of Roshan and Hui Ming, the Co-founders of Leaderonomics. This was also about the time when the COVID-19 pandemic took the world by surprise.

We paused to consider our decision.

It did not take us long to continue with our plan because we were inspired by Leaderonomics’ cause-driven business model which primary purpose is to solve society’s problems through leadership development, one that is especially critical during this unprecedented time.

We share the same belief:

  • We believe that individuals, communities, and businesses must be given equal access to the media to provide the public with accurate, truthful, and timely information.
  • We believe that both the media and clients must take equal responsibility when communicating with the public.
  • We believe Public Relations is a management function that primary goal is to clearly communicate an organisation’s policies, programmes, products, and services for gainful acceptance by the communities it serves.


Authenticating the way our clients tell their stories about themselves, their products and services to their audiences.


Support our clients to enhance and grow their image (brand) by shifting the paradigm through digital evolution of conventional processes and systems.

Reputation Management


Reputation management is one of our key strengths. Our full-time consultants having effectively managed a range of crises for government-linked companies and public listed entities.

In one of the previous assignments, we had in one of client’s Annual Report, a strategy on commitment towards strong governance. The strategy was further amplified with the content written for all key messages, including a dedicated section, aptly titled “Framework of Trust”.


We hear a lot of talk about the need for companies, large and small, to be transparent to their customers as a prerequisite to success. Today’s focus on the customer experience and customer satisfaction suggest that “doing well by doing good” allows our clients to effectively deliver their revenue goals while taking care of their employees and the communities they serve.


Whether it is providing extra money to employees, donating supplies and personal protective equipment to communities in need, or providing funds to relief efforts, the ASTEEL Group are helping communities get through the COVID-19 crisis. Additionally, it is taking its efforts a step further by re-assessing the company’s mitigation plans; considering the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our People

Our Services


Are you looking at outsourcing your PR needs? Or do you have a project you would like us to consider? Or do you just want to get to know us better?

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